Biographies of Idaho Women :: S - Y

Biographies of Idaho Women :: S - Y


Lillian Spongberg, (Miss), a native of Montpelier, Idaho, resident of Pocatella, Idaho, for 11 years. Clerk District Court, Ex-officio Auditor and Recorder, Bannock County, Idaho. Very active in all civic work. Member: Business and Professional Women's Club. Home: 544 East Benton Street, Pocatello, Idaho.

Women of the West, p. 127


Eva Emma Van Wormer Standrod, (Mrs. D. W.), a native of Glenville, New York; [a daughter of John C. and Nancy (Van Patten) Van Wormer]; resident of Idaho for 40, years. Married to Drew W. Standrod, Sr. Children: Drew W., Jr., Camnie (deceased). Active in civic activities. First and honorary president of Idaho State Fed. Women's Clubs; organizer of First District, Idaho Fed. Women's Clubs; organized State War Mothers. For 14 years chairman of Literary and Historical Reciprocity for D. A. R. of the 9 Northwestern states. Member: D. A. R., American Ass'n. University Women, Study Club. Home: 648 N. Garfield Ave., Pocatello, Idaho.

Women of the West, p. 127


Nina E. Steunenberg, (Mrs.), a native of Stone Church, Pennsylvania, resident of Idaho for 30 years. Married to C. B. Steunenberg. Ada County Superintendent of Public Instruction. Graduate of Normal School, college senior; for 18 years a teacher in rural, city and State Normal Schools. Member: P. E. O., Business and Professional Women's Club. Home: 811 N. 24th St., Boise, Idaho. Idaho.

Women of the West, p. 127


Mary Scarp Stratte, (Mrs.), a native of Litchfield, Minnesota, a resident of Idaho for the last 6 years. Educator. Principal of St. Margaret's School for Girls. Interested in all educational matters and civic affairs. Member: Altrusa Club. Home: St. Margaret's School, Boise, Idaho.

Women of the West, p. 127


Nancy Ellicott Tomlinson, (Miss), born in Muncie, Pennsylvania, April 3, 1885; former resident of Tennessee and Minnesota; living in Idaho for the past year. Psychiatric Social Worker. For 3 years Clinical Psychologist, State Training School for Girls, Sauk Center, Minn.; at one time psychiatric social worker at Medical Dispensary, St. Paul, Minn.; for one year connected with Child's Guidance Clinic, Memphis, Tenn.; 3 years with Red Cross in Pacific Area; at present Executive Secretary, American Red Cross and County Social and Probation Worker. Member: St. Paul Women's City Club, American Ass'n. of Social Workers, Psychiatric Social Workers. Address: Court House, Lewiston, Idaho.

Women of the West, p. 127


Anna Vandegrift (Mrs. D. M.), born in Carlton, Pennsylvania, daughter of J. E. and Ida A. Shooke, a resident of Idaho for 13 years. Married to Demas M. Vandegrift. Children: M. Dale, Marjory. Active in civic, church and welfare matters. Former chairman, Adult Board of Girl Reserves, Former Secretary of Red Cross Chapter. Member: Civic Club (first president), P. E. O., 0. E. S. (Past Matron). Home: Mountain Home, Idaho.

Women of the West, p. 127


Catherine E. Van Valkenburg [Allen]

Moscow, Idaho
(Women of the West, p. 112)

Catherine E. Van Valkenberg (Mrs. A. C.), born September 2, 1880 in De Graff, Minnesota, daughter of Jeremiah and Mary Fogarty, a resident of Idaho for 11 years. Musician. Has taught piano and public school music for 20 years. Organist. Several times delegate to State and District Conventions of Women's Clubs* Always interested in the advancement of "Good Music for Idaho". Married to Adelbert Curtiss Van Valkenburg. Children: Aileen Clare, Mrs. Marguerite Whetsler, Mrs. Catharine Allen. Member Cultus Club (past president), Idaho Federation of Women's Clubs (State Chairman of Music.) Home: Box 351, Priest River, Idaho.

Women of the West, p. 127


Margaret Leigh Ward, (Mrs.), a native of Malad, Idaho, life-long resident of the State. Daughter of David and Sophia Leigh. Children: Marjorie. Former County Treasurer of Bingham County; at present in State Treasurer's Office. Member: Business and Professional Women^ Club. Home: 612 Franklin St., Boise, Idaho.

Women of the West, p. 127-128


Lillian Frances Wilson, (Mrs.), born in Freeport, Illinois, April 9, 1876; former resident of Illinois, Montana and California, living for the last 20 years in Idaho. Married to Robert George Wilson. Children: Eva Jane, Mrs. Martha Gardner. Clerk of District Court; ex-officio Auditor and Recorder, Payette County, Idaho. Formerly a teacher in rural schools of Illinois and Wisconsin. Member of Legislative department of Portia Club- at one time State Superintendent 'of Loyal Temperance Legion (branch of W. C. T. U.). Member: J>ortfa Club, W. C. T. U. Home: 10i2 Second Avenue South, Payette, Idaho.

Women of the West, p. 128


Emma Russell Yearian, (Mrs.), a native of Illinois, a resiSent of Idaho for 40 years. Married to Thomas H. Yearian. Wool Grower. Former school teacher; married a cattleman, raised her family and finally entered thp sheep business. Member: 0. E. q Salmon Woman's Club, Salmon Business^ and Professional Women's Club. Home: Lemhi, Idaho.

Women of the West, p. 128

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