Biographies of Idaho Women :: G - I

Biographies of Idaho Women :: G - I


Margaret J. Davidson Gagon (Mrs. G. F.), born in Time, Illinois, February 14, 1860, daughter of A. J. and Margaret Davidson, a former resident of Illinois, living in Idaho for forty years. Married to George F. Gagon. Children: Wendell D. Active in civic and club work; interested in Eastern Star work since the organization of the Grand Chapter of Idaho; Past Worthy Grand Matron, O. E. S. (1906-07), Member: Village Improvement Society (first President). Current Event Club, O. E. S. Home: 102 Shane Apartments, Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 122


Edna Clauton Gillespie, (Miss) , born in Havesville, North Carolina, daugher of Jeremiah Clauton and Rebecca J. Baumgartner Gillespie, a resident of Idaho for thirty years. city Librarian (since 1917). Former teacher, Blackfoot High School. Member: O. E. S., D. A. R., P. E. O., Current Event Club. Home: No. 3, Colora Apts., Blackfoot, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 122


Lottie Johnston Graveley, (Mrs.), born near Angola, Indiana, Oct. 28, 1864, daughter of John K. and Jane Johnston, a former resident of Kansas, living in Idaho for twenty-four years. Married to John G. H. Graveley. Children: Mrs. Wm. Lloyd Williams. President of State Board of Education. Active in ducational affairs; former member of Boise Board of Education (1914-1922); member of Board of Regenta, University of Idaho; Chairman of Legislative committee, Idaho State Federation of Women's Clubs; first State FPresident of Idaho P. E. O. Sisterhood, Member: Columbian Club, Boise Park Commission, P.E.O. Sisterhood. Home: 801 N. 17th Street, Boise, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 122


Annie Pike Greenwood, (Mrs) born m Provo, Utah, November 16, 1879, daughter of Dr. Walter Randall and Mrs. Hattie Druce Pike, a resident of Idaho for 15 yeara. Married to Charles Oliver Greenwood. Children: Walter Pike, Charles Oliver, Rhoda Lippman, Joseph Lippman. Writer and public speaker. Formerly instructor of English, debate, expression and history in Greenwood School in Hazelton, Idaho. A graduate of Brigham Young University with B. L. degree; post graduate of Universities of Utah and Michigan; has taught in several schools and colleges; was among the organizers of the first Grange in the farming community of Greenwood where she lived as a farmer's wife and which was named Greenwood in her honor. Toured western states in recital of own compositions; has contributed poems and essays to the Atlantic Monthly, The Nation. Century, etc. Member: Greenwood Friendship Club, Hazelton Civic Club, Pocatello, University Club. Home: 315 Eighth Ave. East, Twin Falls, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 122


Cecile Hayward Grenfell, (Mrs.), born in Eaten Rapids, Michigan, February 23, 1883, daughter of Joel J. and Frances E. Hayward; resident of Idaho for the last 21 years. Married to John M. Grenfell, Children: Irene Gr. Hubsmith, Avis M. Teacher; holds life certificates in Michigan and Idaho; past Noble Grand of local Rebekah Lodge; past Oracle of local Royal Neighbor Lodge. President, Bellevue Civic Club, Member: Bellevuew Civil Club. Home: Bellevue, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 122


Irene Welch Grissom

Writer & Entertainer
Idaho Falls, Idaho
(Women of the West, p. 112)

Irene Welch Grissom (Mrs.), a native of Greeley, Colorado, former resident of Washington, Oregon, Texas, New Mexico and Canada, living in Idaho for the last 14 years. Married to Charles M. Grissom. Writer and entertainer. Appointed poet laureate of Idaho by State Governor, June, 1923. Author: "The Superintendent'' (endorsed by American Library Ass'n.), "A Daughter the Northwest", "The Desert" (verse). Contributer of verse and stories to The Overland Monthly, Outdoor Life, Outdoor America, The Lariat, Poet's Scroll, A Child's Garden and newspapers of the northwest. Appearance made in recital of verse at University of Idaho, State Conventions of Idaho Women's Club, etc. Member: Idaho Falls Round Table, Northwest Poetry Society. Home: Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 122-123


Cornelia Hart, (Miss), born in Boise, Idaho, July 31, 1889. Artist and writer; has painted quite a number ol landscapes in Idaho and California (Carmel-by-the-Sea). Had several stories published. Home: 1421 Garfield Street, Boise, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 123


Bertha R. Hays, (Miss), born in Junction, Idaho, July 19, 1895, daughter of Herbert H. and Nettie Yearian Hays. Corporation Secretary. Former president and past secretary of Business and Professional Women's Club. Member: National Fed. of Business and Professional Women's Clubs. Home: Box 1167, Pocatello, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 123


Lena S. Hitchner, (Mrs.), a native of the state of New York, a resident of Idaho for 20 years. Married to Emmett F. Hitchner. Former school teacher in Buffalo, N. Y.; past president, Idaho Third District Fed. of Women's Clubs. State president Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1927-28. Active in all civic affairs. Member: Sandpoint Civic Club. Home: 517 5. First Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 123


Jane Redfield Hoover, (Mrs. E. M.), a native of Waseca, Minnesota, a resident of Idaho since 1904. Married to Edgar Malone Hoover. Children: John Redfield, E. M. Jr. Writer. Graduated at University of Minnesota. Founded College Women's Club of Boise; one of the organizers of Boise Y. W. C. A. Has written fiction, hu-morous sketches, and verse, published in Life, Judge, Saturday Evening Post, Child Life, Boston Post, Boston Herald, Idaho Statesman, Capital News, etc. Has taken leading character parts in many amateur plays. Member: Boise Drama Club, Boise College Women's Club. Home: 1005 Harrison Blvd., Boise, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 123


Angela O'Farrell Hopper, (Mrs.), born in Boise, Idaho, daughter of one of the earliest pioneers of the city, having built the first house in this city which is now preserved as a relic by the Daughters of the American Revolution and is used as a club room and show place by that organization. This log cabin was built in June, 1863. A lifelong resident of the state. Married to Edward H. Hopper. Children: John Edward. Taught for several years in public schools. At present City Clerk of Boise, having held this position for the past eight years and previous to her present appointment was Deputy County Treasurer of Ada County. Home: 420 Franklin St., Boise, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 123


Dr. Minnie F. Howard

Author, Historian, & Public Welfare Worker
Pocatello, Idaho
(Women of the West, p. 130)

Minnie F. Howard, (Mrs.), M. D. Born in Memphis, Mo., August 23, 1872. Married to Dr. William Forrest Howard. Children: Nelson J., Richard P., Forrest H., Francis E. Resident of Idaho for 26 years, formerly located in Kansas. One of the founders of the Larned, Kans., Library and Pocatello Library. Taught school for several years, practiced medicine in Kansas and Idaho. Recognized public welfare worker. First County Chairman of American Red Cross, 1916; president Southern Idaho Historical Society, Director Oregon Trail Memorial Association. Author: "History of Old Fort Hall." Member: American Medical Association, American Association of University Women, Civic Club, Art and Travel Club, Study Club, W. C. T. U., D. A. R. Home: 115 So. Garfield Ave., Pocatello, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 123


Mattie R. Hummell, (Mrs.), a native of Burlington, Iowa, resident of St. Anthony, Idaho, for the last 16 years. Married to the late Dr. W. C. Hummell. Principal of Lincoln School. Graduated from Idaho State Normal School. Taught in Burlington, Iowa. President of Idaho State Business and Professional Women's Club; chairman of Study Division, St. Anthony Woman's Club; secretary, P. T. A. Did child welfare work. Member: Business and Professional Women's Club. Home: St. Anthony, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 123


Fanny M. Irvin, (Miss), born in Buffalo, New York, daughter of Colonel Charles H. and Mrs. Isabella Anne Irvin. Former resident of New York City, New Mexico, Chicago, Washington, D. C., living in Idaho for 22 years. Studied law for 2 years in the Washington (D. C.), College of Law. Very active and influential in constructive state politics. Formerly assistant and State Law Librarian since 1911. Assisted in drafting several important laws, such as, The Parole Law, Humane Law, the law which places State Institutions, Schools and Children's Home under the State Auditing Department; drafted a resolution to Congress which was passed by the State Legislature, endorsing Woman's Suffrage, and praying for the passage of the Constitutional Amendment. Member: Boise Tuesday Musical Club, Saturday Fortnightly Club, League of Women Voters. Home: 1017 East Jefferson St., Boise, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 123


Marie Isabella Duffield Irvin, (Miss), born in Nashville, Tennessee, daugh- ter of Colonel Charles H. and Isabella Anne Irvin, a former resident of New York and Chicago, living in Idaho for 30 years. Artist. Has lectured extensively in the state of Idaho the subject of Modern Ancient Art. One of the founders and for 23 years secretary, Idaho State Humane Society. Member: Saturday Fort- nightly Club, Boise Writers' Club, Columbian Club (honorary). Home: 1017 East Jefferson St., Boise, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 124

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