Biographies of Idaho Women :: O - R
Elsie Burr Ogden, (Mrs.), born in Juniata, Nebraska, February 27, 1878, daughter of Walter H. and Sarah Jeanette Mosher Burr, a resident of Idaho for the last 20 years. Married to Thomas Ogden. Children: Thomas Burr, Catherine B., Ralph H., Frank P. Executive secretary, Idaho State Congress of Parents and Teachers. President, Lowell P. T. A., 1918-20, also of Boise Council P.T.A., 1920-22; State publicity chairman, State Congress of Parents and Teachers 1925; for two years, State treasurer League of Women Voters; former president, Child Conservation League of women Voters; former president, Child Conservation League, Editor of Idaho Parent-Teacher Bulletin since 1926. Member: Columbian Club, Child Conservation League, P. T. A. Home: 1015 N. 20th St., Boise, Idaho.
Women in the West (1928), p. 125-126
Marion Campbell Orr, (Miss), born in Vandalia, Missouri, 1892, daughter of James M. and Ella G. Beshears Orr, a resident of Idaho for 19 years. Librarian, Public Library. Active m civic affairs. Member: Business and Professional Women's Club (president), American Library Ass'n, Northwest Library Ass'n, Idaho State Library Ass'n (president 1928-30). Home: 182 Eleventh St., Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Women in the West (1928), p. 126
Ella F. Knox Parrish, (Mrs. W.W.), born July 11, 1868, in Dry Creek, Idaho, daughter of Douglas and Margaret Williams Knox, a life-long resident of the state. Married to William Whitney Parrish. Children: Paul D., Esther E. (deceased), Robert L., Ernest E., John W., Doris Fern, Mrs. Margaret E. Martin, Mrs. Martha Viola Callender, Mrs. Rosella Hoff, Mrs. Mary Leal McDaniel, Mrs. Charlotte K. Brandt, Mrs. Florence N. Francis. Interested in missionary work, church and civic affairs. For six years president of Woman's Home Missionary Society. Past President and Secretary of Payette Valley Pioneer Society. President, Women's Betterment Club. Member: Emmett Civic Club. Home: Box 522, Emmett, Idaho.
Women in the West (1928), p. 126
Alma E. Plumb, (Miss), a native of Belmont, Nevada; a former resident of San Jose, California; living for the last 9 years in Boise, Idaho. Educator. Founder of the "Let's Play School," a system under which children receive individual instruction by intensive methods. Writes verse and short stories. Author, (collaborating with the children of her school): "Cheese Brained Majolla." Member: Boise Writer s Club, Business and Professional Women's Club. Home: 420 N. 1st Street, Boise, Idaho. Women in the West (1928), p. 126 |
Kathrine Joy Postle, (Miss), born in Chicago, Illinois, January 20, 1896, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver H. Postle, resident of Idaho for the last 10 years. Artist and Decorator. Educated at Art Institute of Chicago. Painter of landscape, portrait and mural. Instructor of art in Saint Margaret's School. Active in promoting interest in scenery of southern Idaho, art education for Idaho children, musical education for country children. Member: Boise Writer's Club, Altrusa Club. Home: 506 Washington St., Boise, Idaho.
Women in the West (1928), p. 126
Ethel Emily Redfield (Miss), born in Kamiah Idaho, April 22, 1877, was raised in Oregon, a resident of Boise, Idaho, for the last eleven years. Teacher and School Executive. Holds Life Certificates for teaching in Oregon and Idaho; former county superintendent of schools; 1925-27, State commissioner of Education; past president of Inland Empire Teacher Ass'n. (4 states); for three terms, a member of the State Board of Education. Author: "Workbook in Idaho Geography." Member: O. E. S., D. A. R., N. E. A., Idaho Educational Ass'n, California Teachers' Ass'n, College Women's Club, Columbia Club, Business and Professional Women's Club. Home: 919 Hays Street, Boise, Idaho. Women in the West (1928), p. 126 |
Emma L. Reed, (Mrs.), born in Plattsburgh, New York, October 10, 1872, a resident of Idaho for 40 years. Widow of the late Wm. Henry Reed. Children: D. Henry, Elizabeth, Mrs. Ethel Allred, Mrs. Hazel MacRae. Treasurer of Blaine County. Served as postmaster in Bellevue, Idaho, from 1907-14. Interested in all public and civic affairs. Member: O. E. S., Rebekahs. Home: Hailey, Idaho.
Women in the West (1928), p. 126
Dorothy Agee Rich (Mrs. Cyril A.), born in Sherman, Texas, February 24, 1898, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Agee, a resident of Idaho for eight years. Married to Cyril A. Rich. Children: Dorothy Loraine, Joe Ellis. Physician and surgeon. Director of Child Hygiene, State of Idaho (1927). At present, matron and dietician of Municipal Sanitarium, Lava Hot Springs. Member: American Medical Ass'n, Pocatello Medical Society. Home: Lava Hot Springs, Idaho.
Women in the West (1928), p. 126
Charlotte Robertson, (Mrs.), a native of Wisconsin, resident of Idaho for 11 years. Married to S. Irven Robertson. Clerk District Court; ex-officio Auditor and Recorder. Takes active part in civic and club affairs. Member: Jerome Civic Club, Business and Prefessional Women's Club. Home: Jerome, Idaho.
Women in the West (1928), p. 126
Lallah Rookh White Rockwell, (Mrs.), born March 12, 1876, in Lynville, Iowa, daughter of John and Mary White, a resident of Idaho for twenty-two years. Married to Irvin E. Rockwell. Children: John, Paul (deceased). Active in educational and civic affairs. Formerly an expert accountant. Chairman, Board of Trustees, Bellevue School District. Member: Bellevue Civic Club (president), State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Home: Bellevue, Idaho.
Women in the West (1928), p. 126-127
Josephine K. Steake, (Mrs.), born October 24, 1878, in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson Steake, a resident of Idaho for three years. Married to Andrew Cranston Rutherford. Children: Keith J. (stepson). Educator. Has been school teacher, principal and county superintendent. Organizer of P.T.A. in Hettinger Co., North Dakota. Chairman of Deliquency, F.W.C. of Idaho. Verv much interested in child welfare, has held offices in several clubs. Organized the Twin Falls County Welfare Association. Member: Twentieth Century Club, O.E.S., W.C.T.U., P.T.A., Blue Lakes Boulevard Club. Home: R. 3, Box 56, Twin Falls, Idaho.
Women in the West (1928), p. 127
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