Biographies of Idaho Women :: D - F

Biographies of Idaho Women :: D - F


Myrtle Ramey Davis (Mrs.), born June 29, 1892, in Gate City, Virginia, daughter of David Wilbur and Emily Meade Ramey, a resident of Idaho for 33 years. Married to J. O. Davis, Children : John Orville, Richard Ram- Assistant State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Being the wife of a veteran of the World War, very much interested in the activities of the American Legion Auxiliary; at piesent its state president. A direct descendant of General George G. Meade of Gettysburg fame. Formerly school teacher in California, Missouri, and Blackfoot, Idaho. Member: D. A. R., Business and Professional Women's Club, N. E. A., American Legion Auxiliary, National Federation of Women's Clubs. Home: 512 N. 16th Street, Boise, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 121


Eva Hunt Dockery, (Mrs.), a native of De Pere, Wisconsin, resident of Boise, Idaho for the last 29 years. Married to Edward Jay Dockery. Department editor Idaho Daily Statesman. Chairman of publicity, National Fed. of Business and Professional Women's Clubs; State chairman legislation, Idaho Business and Professional Women's Clubs; State chairman, cost of living committee, League Women Voters; vice-president, Boise Welfare Ass'n.; member of advisory Home. Member of Board of Directors Carnegie Public Library. Home: 715 Washington St., Boise. Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 121


Emma F. Angell Drake, M. D., born in Angellville, New York, Sept. 15, 1849; former resident of Massachusetts, Kansas and Colorado; living in Idaho for the last 10 years. Married to the late Ellis Richmond Drake. Children: Ruth Angell, Paul McCheyne. Physician and writer. Practiced medicine for 25 years; writer of several semi-medical books and booklets. For 8 years Idaho State president, W. C. T. U.; lecturer on Temperance and Social reform topics in United States and Canada. Home: New Plymouth, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 121


Letitia H. (Frizzell) Erb

Chamber of Commerce Executive
Boise, Idaho
(Women of the West, p. 112)

Letitia H. Erb, (Mrs. Fred C.), born in Wapello, Iowa, January 19, 1895, a resident of Idaho fotf 25 years. Married to Fred C. Erb. Secretary, Lewiston Commercial Club. Interested in Chamber of Commerce work and community building problems; at one time engaged in daily newspaper work. Member: Lewiston Business and Professional Women's Club. Home: Lewiston, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 121


Bertie Estes, (Miss), born in Carrollton, Arkansas, January 18, 1884, resident of Boise, Idaho, for the last 29 years. Assistant Cashier, Boise City National Bank. Charter member, Boise Y. W. C. A. Member: Boise Altrusa Club. Home: 1611 Franklin St., Boise, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 121


Jessie A. Fraser (Miss), born in Paullina, Iowa, daughter of James and Mary R. Fraser, a resident of Idaho since 1911. Librarian, Twin Falls Public Library (since 1914). President, Idaho State Library Ass'n., 1923-25, B. S., Iowa State College; Riverside Library School. Member: P. E. O., Business Women's Club, Twentieth Century Club, Home: 304 Eighth Ave. East. Twin Falls, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 121-122


Carrie E. Freeman (Mrs.) D. O., born in Lancaster, New Hampshire, September 17, 1879, a resident of Idaho for fifteen years, formerly a resident of Los Angeles, Calif. Children: Ruth E. Osteopathic Physician. Chairman, speakers bureau for circuit of eight western states belonging to Western Osteopathic Ass'n.; Secretary Idaho State Osteopathic Ass'n. Member: College Women's Club, American Osteopathic Ass'n., Idaho State Osteopathic Ass'n., Address: 429 Idaho Bldg., Boise, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 122


Permeal J. French, (Miss), a native of Idaho; at one time resident of San Francisco, California. Dean of Women, University of Idaho. State Superintendent of Schools, 1899-1903. Member: American Ass'n. of University Women, Pi Lambda Theta. Home: University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.

Women in the West (1928), p. 122

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