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Military - Civil War

California Troops Stationed in Idaho 1861- 1867

submitted by John Patchin <> 


Company's "A" - "M"

CO. S     "A"- "M" assembled at camp Alert San Francisco CA
Co."A" to Fort Churchill Nev. And Utah Territory
Enlistment from Contra Costa , Sacramento and San Francisco

Co "B" to Southern CA en route to New Mexico
Enlistment from San Francisco

Co"C" to Fort Crook Humboldt CA
Enlistment from San Francisco

Co "D" to camp Independence Inyo co. then to Fort Tejon Kern co.
Enlistment from San Francisco and Placerville CA

CO"E"  to Fort Humboldt and Fort Tejon Kern co.
Enlistment from San Francisco and Placerville CA

CO"F" organized in Sacramento Called (Sacramento Ranger)
Ordered to Fort Bidwell ,Bear Valley Northeastern CA
Enlistment from Sacramento,  Maryville CA

CO'G" to Drum Wilmington CA
Enlistment from Sacramento , San Francisco

Co' "H" to Fort Churchill Nev and Utah Territory
Enlistment from San Francisco CA

Co "I" to camp Latham Los Angeles CA
Enlistment from several location in northern CA

CO'"K" to Fort Ruby Nev and Utah Territory
Enlistment from several area in CA

CO "L"  Fort Churchill Nev, and Salt Lake City
Enlistment from Virginia City and Santa Cruz CA

CO"M" to Fort Bridger Wyoming Territory, Salt Lake city
Enlistment from Fort Jones to Fort Douglas Utah territory

168-303 vol 2



CO, s A" B" D" I" and "K organized at camp Halleck Stockton CA
Enlistment from Stockton Camp Douglas UT Camp Connor Idaho Terr, Big Oak Flat ,Mokelumne Hill CA, San Andreas CA

CO's C" E" F" G" and H" organized at Benicia Barrack CA
Enlistment from Camp Douglas UT Benicia CA Sonora Columbia Coulterville Bear valley,

CO "A" to   en route Fort Churchill NV to Salt Lake City Utah

CO. "B" to Fort Seward in Humboldt co.

CO "C" to Fort Bragg Humboldt co. CA

CO  "D" to Fort Gaston Humboldt Co CA

CO "E" to Fort Ruby NV and Camp Douglas Utah territory

Co  "F" to Fort Ruby NV

CO "G" to Camp Douglas Utah

CO "H" to Camp Douglas Utah and Camp Connor Idaho

CO "I" to Fort Bridger Wyoming Territory

CO "K" to Camp Douglas Utah

504-595 Vol 7


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